Set player spawn point to Fort Knocker (just until all Permafrost crew has logged in) DONE
Set player stamina to unlimited DONE
Set all new loot to spawn in pristine condition DONE
Make all cars spawn with all doors and tires, tactical bacon, can opener, tire repair kit, two canteens and a Jerry can full of gasoline in the trunk. DONE
Change zombies to spawn with food DONE
Remove all small caliber ammo (.22 LR/.380 ACP/boxed.22 LR/boxed.380 ACP) DONE
Remove all small caliber firearms (.22 LR/.380 ACP/boxed.22 LR/boxed.380 ACP) DONE
Remove one or more calibers of rifle ammunition and associated firearms (pending vote outcome). DONE
Slightly increase the minimum amount of remaining calibers of ammunition and firearms DONE
Reduce login/logout time. DONE
Slightly increase temperature DONE
Add tier 2 loot to tier 1 zones
Add tier 3 loot to tier 2 zones
Replace chicken territories with wolves DONE
Replace sheep territories with bears DONE
Set day night cycle to 2 hours night to 45 minutes DONE
Set night cycle to 'deep night' DONE
Make zombies spawn with Jack-O-Lanterns on their heads DONE
Increase availability of headlamps DONE
Zombies should have an increased chance of dropping headlamps
Increase availability of 9v batteries DONE
Create watchtowers along coast
Increase availability of medical supplies in starting areas
Add more helicopter crash sites DONE
Magazines spawn with significantly more ammo. DONE
Guns should spawn with mags, suppressors, and lights if they take one. DONE
Add ammo and medical spawn points into fort knocker ( ... tion-Files)
Slightly increase chance of filter spawning with gas mask DONE
Cannabis seeds
GPS and Radios have a greater chance of spawning with batteries. DONE
Increased chance of AntiChemInjector spawning with NBC zombies. DONE
6 hour server restart with simple countdown. DONE
great ideas in this package (check out at a later time ... nd-Console)
add build anywhere capabilities ... play-files (includes ability to show position on tourist map) DONE
Replace player spawn points but in fewer number DONE
Significantly increase fog for ambience (Working on/observing results)
Clan site for Permafrost Distributors
Faction Territories Map download/file.php?id=3
Permafrost Server to-do list.
Moderator: Permafrost Crew